Saturday, January 26, 2019

House of the Dead (1980)

If you like anthologies...

A man has just visited his mistress. He braves the stormy weather as he leaves her to return to his hotel.

On his way back, he is mistakenly dropped off on the wrong street. Seeking shelter, he meets a stranger who invites him in from the rain. The stranger is actually a mortician. The mortician gleefully shares the stories of those who occupy his establishment.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

One Step Beyond: The Aerialist (1959)

The Patruzzio family are a family of trapeze artists. Mario and his father butt heads over Mario's wife who seems a little too flirtatious with everyone other than Mario. In a fit of anger, Mario says something he can never take back. Mario finds out the hard way how much his father loves him.

If you're a fan of Mannix, you'll recognize Mike Conners in this episode.

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